On December 8, 2024, the K B S Foundation, Ltd., completed its latest action of supporting young men of color. The Foundation made a $1,000 donation to the Chionescu Bakari, a faith-based program for young men.
Chionesu Bakari Program for Young Men (CB), born out of the St. Paul Community Baptist
Church in Brooklyn, NY, was created to bridge the achievement and social gaps between young
black males and society. Since July 2006, CB has offered young males between the ages of 8
and 18 group counseling, tutoring, finance education, undoing racism training, arts and media
exposure, physical fitness & nutrition, non-violent conflict mediation/resolution, leadership
development, Bible study, and educational and recreational trips.
Foundation Chairman Gregory Stephenson stated, “It made me proud when the opportunity
presented itself, the board did not hesitate in its desire to have an impact and provide support
for our young men of color.”
Website: https://youngblackmanonline.org/what-we-do/

Pictured Left to Right: Rev. Dr. Michael Elam, St. Paul’s Community Baptist Church; Kier Nelson, Chionescu Bakari, Dir. Special Services & Outreach; Gregory Stephenson, Chairman, K B S Foundation Ltd.